
Atlas-1 Logo

Atlas-1 PK



How do we do that

Our priority is to optimize for flow while reducing routing failures on our end. Fees are automatically adjusted to keep the channel balance healthy.

Minimum Channel's size

If you're going to create a channel with us, you'll have to spend the sum of 0.03 BTC for this one. It's mandatory to keep Base feee with the value zero.

Buying a Channel's

The maximum size of channels that can be purchased here is 10,000,000 sats. BaseFee will always be 0, oRate is variable and automatic. The Channel will remain open for up to 30 days. At the opening of this you pay 1% of the total amount and all opening fees.

TOR OR ClearNet

Whatever, we accept both.

Pay attention only to the fact of the minimum channel's size.

Contact / links
